On Sun, 2004-10-03 at 21:01, Gaetano Mendola wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
> > Gaetano Mendola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> >>Christopher Browne wrote:
> >>pg_autovacuum -d 3 -v 300 -V 0.5 -S 0.8 -a 200 -A 0.8
> > 
> > I'm not very familiar at all with appropriate settings for
> > but doesn't the above say to vacuum a table only when the dead space
> > reaches 50%?  That seems awfully lax to me.  I've always thought one
> > should vacuum often enough to keep dead space to maybe 10 to 25%.

Yes that is what those options say.  The default values are even more
lax.  I wasn't sure how best to set them, I erred on the conservative

> The problem is that I can not set these value per table and per
> so, I had to find some compromise, however I will test in the next
> what happen with -V 0.2
> However each six hour I perform a vacuum on all database and the HD
> continue to grow even with FSM parameters large enough.

Since you are running autovacuum I doubt the doing vacuumdb -a -z is 3
times a day buying you much.  It's not a bad idea to do once in a while.

Given the way Postgres works, it is normal to have slack space in your
tables.  The real question is do your table stop growing?  At some point
you should reach a stead state where you have some percentage of slack
space that stops growing.

You said that after running for a week you have 400M of reclaimable
space.  Is that a problem?  If you don't do a vacuum full for two weeks
is it still 400M?  My guess is most of the 400M is created in the first
few hours (perhaps days) after running your vacuum full.


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