Gaetano Mendola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Christopher Browne wrote:
>>> Assuming that the tables in question aren't so large that they cause
>>> mass eviction of buffers, it should suffice to do a plain VACUUM (and
>>> NOT a "VACUUM FULL") on the tables in question quite frequently.

> This is easy to say and almost impraticable. I run a 7.4.5 with the autovacuum:

> pg_autovacuum -d 3 -v 300 -V 0.5 -S 0.8 -a 200 -A 0.8

I'm not very familiar at all with appropriate settings for autovacuum,
but doesn't the above say to vacuum a table only when the dead space
reaches 50%?  That seems awfully lax to me.  I've always thought one
should vacuum often enough to keep dead space to maybe 10 to 25%.

                        regards, tom lane

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