> And while i'm on the subject, the only book (hard copy) I've got on 
> PostgreSQL is the O'Reilly 'Practical PostgreSQL' book, now a bit dated,
> which has one of the worst indexes I've seen in a computer manual in years.  
> It may be the worst index I've ever experienced in an O'Reilly book.

> I've had a series of paper clips, bulldog clips and post-it notes marking 
> the sections I tend to reuse frequently, because the index doesn't get 
> you there.  Most of the time I use the online manual, and I've got a
> few pages that aren't obvious from the table of contents bookmarked for
> the online manual, too.

The online manuals have an index.  Could you write up a list of proposed
index additions for us?  A few quick <indexentry> commands would be easy
enough to add to the doc sources --- the hard part is knowing what to

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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