Josh Berkus wrote:


The quality of the material is very good, so please don't get me wrong, I
just think it's hard to find stuff.  Both PHP and MySQL have well laid out
docs, with PHP being the better of the two.

I certainly agree ... one of my goals (shared with some other people) is to eventually migrate all of the *accessory* documentation (techdocs, etc.) to a searchable system that's easy for non-programmers to contribute to and edit (i.e. SGML and CVS not required).

Yep. The present Techdocs site is kind of unmaintained, and the Plone area isn't being worked on either presently (lack of time).

Finally got Bricolage installed on a system here at work to play around with. Reckon Josh'll be interested in that...


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

Item #87 on Josh's ToDo list ...

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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