W dniu 24.10.2015 o 23:25, Dane Foster pisze:
> On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 5:23 PM, Dane Foster <studdu...@gmail.com
> <mailto:studdu...@gmail.com>> wrote:

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>     ​
>     You may be able to accomplish that using aliased sub-selects as
>     in-line views. The purpose of the sub-selects in this use-case is
>     simply to cherry pick the columns you want.
>     SELECT *
>     FROM
>       (SELECT col1, col2, col4 FROM tablea) AS iv
>       JOIN (SELECT co1, col3, col5 FROM tableb) AS tb1 USING (col1))
>       JOIN (SELECT col1, col6, col7 FROM tableb) AS tb22 USING (col1)
>     Please note, this may be a performance nightmare for large tables
>     because w/o a WHERE clause that can be pushed down to the
>     sub-selects each sub-select will do a full table scan.

Yes. And that's why this is not truely an option. I'd rather give all
coluns aliases (when coding), then opt for subquery on every execute.

>     Please note that the 3rd JOIN clause is nutty (I translated it from
>     your original) because why would you join a table to itself just to
>     select a different set of columns?

One example (a bit artificial, I know) might be the address data, for
create table purchases( basket int, customer int, delivery int, ...);
select * from purchases p join buyers b(customer, city, address) using
(customer) join buyers d (delivery, to_city, to_address, to_zip) using

... or something like that. ZIP code is not actually needed to indicate
customer (SSN might be instead).

But I wouldn't agrue if real life programming actually needs that. I've
just wanted to have the most generic example I've imagined.

>     Good luck,
>     Dane
> ​
> For the record SELECT * in my example is absolutely the wrong thing to
> do but your original didn't leave me w/ any other option.

Hmmm. I've seen people say that. I do keep that in mind, but frankly I
actually never had to avoid that to get my code working (and
maintained). I do that sometimes to limit the bandwidth necesery to
deliver the results, but not so often.

But I'd say, that "the standard" sort of does that (i.e. the star)
1. with table aliasing (the case we are discussing now), standard
expects us to give column aliases *in order* they are defined within the
aliased table - that's nothing else but a "hidden star" somwhere there.
And I really wish they did it without that.
2. see the systax of INSERT: a list of column names to be prowided with
values is optional, and when you don't give it, it's like you've written
"a star" in its place. This I find *very bad* and never use it myself.
But standard people thought otherwise.

So personally, I don't see a star in a select list so harmfull, quite
the oposit.


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