On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 6:41 AM, Rafal Pietrak <ra...@ztk-rp.eu> wrote:

> The only way I know to avoid the column name
> duplication is to explicity select column list:
> SELECT s.sled,s.length,s....,r.runner as right,r.length as
> right_length,r....,l.runner as left,l.length as left_length,l.* FROM
> sleds s JOIN runners l ON (s.left=l.runner) JOIN runners r ON
> (s.right=r.runner);
> .... which is truely overtalkative (and thus obfuscates future query
> analize during code maintenance).


​Using explicit column names is expected - using "*" in non-trivial and
production queries is not.

You can move the aliases if you would like.

FROM tablea (col1, col2, col4)
JOIN tableb AS tb1 (col1, col3, col5) USING (col1)
JOIN tableb AS tb2​

​(col1, col6, col7) USING (col1)

The "USING" clause ensure that only a single "col1" appears in the output.

For all other columns in the duplicate join you need to provide a
context-specific alias.​

David J.

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