W dniu 24.10.2015 o 21:03, Rafal Pietrak pisze:
> W dniu 24.10.2015 o 15:00, David G. Johnston pisze:
>> On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 6:41 AM, Rafal Pietrak <ra...@ztk-rp.eu
>> <mailto:ra...@ztk-rp.eu>>wrote:
> [----------------------]
>> ​Using explicit column names is expected - using "*" in non-trivial and
>> production queries is not.
>> You can move the aliases if you would like.
>> FROM tablea (col1, col2, col4)
>> JOIN tableb AS tb1 (col1, col3, col5) USING (col1)
>> JOIN tableb AS tb2​
>> ​(col1, col6, col7) USING (col1)
> I knew there must have been something like this.

Upss. Almost, but not quite. I've just read the manual on that
and it looks like "col1", "col2", etc in the above example are column
*aliases*. Right?

So I have to list *all* the columns of the aliased table irrespectively
if I need any of them within the output, or not.

It's a pity standard didn't choose to make column aliasing optional,
allowing for cherry pick what's aliased like following:

.. JOIN table AS tb(column7 [as alias1], column3 [as alias2],...)

thenx anyway, "Mandatory" column aliasing is helpfull too.


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