* on the Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 07:00:05PM -0500, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

>> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hostnames_hostname_key ON hostnames 
>> (lower(punycode_encode(hostname)));
> This wouldn't work to get the original back if oyu have any IDNA200
> data, because puncode-encoding the UTF-8 under IDNA2003 and the
> punycode-decoding it doesn't always result in the same label.  See my
> other message.

The original is the thing that is stored in the database. I wouldn't need to
do any conversion to get the original back. In my example I am storing
the original and creating an index on the punycode version.

This is exactly the same method that we commonly use for performing case
insensitive text searches using lower() indexes.

Mike Cardwell  https://grepular.com https://emailprivacytester.com
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