* on the Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 04:23:22PM -0700, David G Johnston wrote:

>>>    WHERE hostname='nißan.com'
>> _IF_ Postgres had a punycode function, then you could use:
>> WHERE punycode(hostname) = punycode('nißan.com')
> If the OP wraps what he is doing up into a function that is what you end up
> getting: a memoized punycode function.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memoization
> It has to be defined as volatile but basically write the function to check
> for the provided input on the indexed table and if it doesn't exist the
> function will calculate the punycode value and store it onto the table
> before returning the punycode value to the caller.

I'm not sure all that is necessary. It could be quite a simple function,
like the lower() function. So what I would do is this:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hostnames_hostname_key ON hostnames 

That would prevent adding more than one representation for the same hostname
to the column. And I if I wanted to do a fast, indexed search where I could
supply any representation of the hostname as input, I would just do:

WHERE lower(punycode_encode(hostname)) = 

There doesn't need to be any extra table storage for the punycode encoded

Mike Cardwell  https://grepular.com https://emailprivacytester.com
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