On 12/29/2014 4:36 PM, Mike Cardwell wrote:
I'd like to store hostnames in a postgres database and I want to fully support
IDNs (Internationalised Domain Names)
I want to be able to recover the original representation of the hostname, so I
can't just encode it with punycode and then store the ascii result. For example,
these two are the same hostnames thanks to unicode case folding [1]:
They both encode in punycode to the same thing:
Don't believe me, then try visiting any domain with two s's in, whilst replacing
the s's with ß's. E.g:
So if I pull out "xn--tesst.xmpl.com-cib7f2a" from the database, I've no idea
which of those two hostnames was the original representation.
The trouble is, if I store the unicode representation of a hostname instead,
then when I run queries with conditions like:
WHERE hostname='nißan.com'
_IF_ Postgres had a punycode function, then you could use:
WHERE punycode(hostname) = punycode('nißan.com')
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