On 8 Prosinec 2011, 17:27, Nicholson, Brad (Toronto, ON, CA) wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Marc Cousin <cousinm...@gmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>> I wish it was the same (I use and like both pgbouncer and pgpool too,
>> and they do a good job, I'm not arguing on that). But unfortunately it
>> isn't: you still have the notion of session for each connected client
>> in Oracle when using the shared servers model.
>> It means you keep your session variables, your prepared statements,
>> your running transaction, etc… in each individual session while having
>> the multiplexing equivalent of a 'statement level' from pgbouncer.
> In Oracle - can the pool share connections between DB users and/or
> databases on the instance?  If the answer is yes to either, that is a fair
> bit better than what we can achieve today.

Yes, each session has a UGA (User Global Area) memory, and this iss placed
either in SGA (Shared Global Area) in case of "dedicated server" or PGA
(Process Global Are) in case of "shared server." If you use shared server,
then each request might be handled by a different backend process.

PostgreSQL uses dedicated architecture which means simpler code base,
configuration etc. If you need something like a "shared server" then you
can use a connection pool, but you have to handle the session state on
your own (in the  application).


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