On 8 Prosinec 2011, 17:56, Merlin Moncure wrote:
> regarding the "enterprises won't use community supplied postgresql add
> ons" point, this completely true in many cases. I do think pgbouncer
> should be seriously considered for advancement as a core feature. That
> said, this should be done on its own merits, not to satisfy the
> capricious whims of enterprises.

I don't think so. In my experience, the enterprises are not using
PostgreSQL (or other OS software in genera) because they think there's no
guarantee or support available. If there's a third party (might be a local
consulting company) providing acceptable guarantees and support for
PostgreSQL, it may as well provide guarantees for pgbouncer and the
enterprise customer is fine.

They simply want a package with guarantees, it does not matter whether
it's in core or not.


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