On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Marc Cousin <cousinm...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> I wish it was the same (I use and like both pgbouncer and pgpool too,
> and they do a good job, I'm not arguing on that). But unfortunately it
> isn't: you still have the notion of session for each connected client
> in Oracle when using the shared servers model.
> It means you keep your session variables, your prepared statements,
> your running transaction, etc… in each individual session while having
> the multiplexing equivalent of a 'statement level' from pgbouncer.

In Oracle - can the pool share connections between DB users and/or databases on 
the instance?  If the answer is yes to either, that is a fair bit better than 
what we can achieve today.


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