On 9/25/11, Karsten Hilbert <karsten.hilb...@gmx.net> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 09:41:19PM +0000, Albretch Mueller wrote:
>>  I am amazed to read that you/the PC community were still running
>> regression tests
>>  *in ASCII*:
>>  http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/release-9-1.html (E.1.3.12.
>> Source Code)
>>  * Run regression tests
>> (postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/install-procedure.html#BUILD) in the
>> default encoding (Peter Eisentraut)
>>  Regression tests were previously always run
>>  *with SQL_ASCII* encoding.
> Quite obviously you have got no clue and didn't bother
> checking either.
 Karsten, you are right to some extent, but this is what I plainly
read/it says and I can't keep a mental map of PG's code base and
 Now, a more insufferable one, when I said:
> ... if someone write a date in Bangla and somebody else in Ukrainian this is 
> still the same date/time value ultimately determined by the rotation of our 
> planet around the sun
 I meant by the rotation of our planet around the its own axis and
even if it is primary school knowledge as a Physicist I more than
enough know the difference even though the rotation of our planet
around the sun does influence what we nominally consider to be the
wall clock time (day light savings ...)

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