 Well, at least I thought you would tell me where the postgresql-base
is to be found. The last version I found is:
 and I wondered what that is and why there are no postgresql-base
after "8.3beta2"
> I cannot imagine you would benefit that much by removing these capabilities 
> compared to simply ignoring them.
> Plus, by having it in the DB I avoid considerable considerable overhead
 Can you or do you know of anyone who has made those kinds of
imaginations falsifiable?
> ... and can now use those features within my SQL statements/queries.
 For what exactly? Isn't a comparison on 4 numeric bytes (1 (or 1/2)
word in modern hardware) more efficient than comparing sequences of
string characters?
> simply guessing that in simply being feature rich PostgreSQL has sub-optimal 
> performance
 I never said that
> ... you might want to look at SQLite.  It provides a number of compile-time 
> options where you can exclude various features you don't want from the binary
 I couldn't find the compile options you mentioned: sqlite.org/
{faq.html, custombuild.html, docs.html}
> ... you're looking for a non-sql compliant SQL database where a lot of the 
> data integrity is actually coded in the application :-)
 First past of your statement I acknowledged, but how is it exactly
that "lot of the data integrity is actually coded in the application"
> That approach strips down on application complexity. My apps don't have to do 
> any post-processing
of the data - I query the records I need and the app merely displays them.
 Again have you actually tested those assumptions?
> My point being: postgresql does what it does very reliably
 I never said otherwise

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