On 9/26/11, Uwe Schroeder <u...@oss4u.com> wrote:
> In my experience "data formatting" goes both ways, in and out. Out is
> obviously not a major issue because errors don't cause data corruption. In,
> however, is a different issue. Errors in "inwards" conversion will cause
> data
> corruption. So unless you have an application that does very little "in" and
> a
> lot of "out", you still have to code a lot of data conversion which
> otherwise
> someone else (the postgresql developers) have already done for you.
 Well, yes Uwe, but any code in the DBMS would slow a bit its main job
which (to me) is store data and keeping its consistency as soon as
>> > Take dates for example: you'd have to code very carefully to catch all
>> > the different ways dates are represented on this planet.
>> ~
>>  Yeah! And java does an exceptionally good job at that (including
>> internationalization)
> Maybe it does. I never coded Java because I don't like to use technology
> where
> Oracle can come sue me :-)
 Yeah! I felt like sh!t when I heard that Oracle had bought Sun, a
-slightly- more open company, at least they like to keep that
perception of themselves ...
>>  http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/ {util/Date.html,
>> text/DateFormat.html}
>> ~
>>  So, you would ultimately just have to store a long value into the DBMS
> Yes, a long value - which can represent pretty much any valid and invalid
> date
> ever devised, so again you don't really know what's in the database when you
> leave the validation to the application.
 Not if you get that long value through java ;-)
>>  This is something I would do with wrapping code using input and
>> output bound command objects which are indexed after the same column
>> index the DBMS uses
> Which still depends on your use case. Your assumption is that every piece of
> code is coded in Java - which is fine if that's what your application calls
> for. It's going to be a major hassle when you ever have to re-code in a
> different language though.
 Well, yes you are right
>> > To me, that's moving data integrity into the application.
>> ~
>>  Not exactly! Integrity is still a matter of the DBMS which can now
>> handle it in an easier way in someone write a date in bangla and
>> somebody else in Ukranian this is still the same date/time value
>> ultimately determined by the rotation of our planet around the sun ...
>> and all we need for that is a long value. Now, aren't we easying
>> things for the DBMS?
> I agree to disagree on this one. The date value the database stores in this
> case is a long. Any "long" can be converted into a valid date - but is it
> really the date that was entered in the first place?
 Again, not if you get that long value through java. It takes care of
doing those checks for you. You could for example not enter 02/30/2011
as a date object in java and try to get a long out of it
> If I give a date
> representation, i.e. 12/31/2010 to the database, I personally don't really
> care how the database stores the date underneath. All that interests me is
> that the next time I ask for that field I get 12/31/2010 back.
 But "12/31/2010" is ultimately a representation of that long you
would have inserted that was and can be represented in many different
ways, depending on user preferences
> There is no
> error that can be made other than user error if you ask the database to
> store
> a specific date representation. There are errors you can make in your own
> conversion code which can lead to a different "long" stored than intended.
  conversion code will not be mine and it is part of java and I would
guess here python or any decent programming language
>> ~
>>  Well, the code you will have to write either way, regardless of where
>> you keep it and in order to not even have to restart the application
>> server cold I would code command objects (like function pointers in C)
>> to handle those cases. It is ultimately a strings of characters you
>> are dealing with
> With the right design, you will have to rewrite the visual layer, not the
> application logic. Errors in the visual layer are of little consequence
> (except disgruntled users). So yes, if you use some kind of middleware that
> does all the converting and validating for you,  the difference is
> negligible.
> But then, why write your own when the database already provides that
> functionality?
 Because DBMS are I/O beasts and are way more likely to enter into
delayed states and concurrency conflicts, so to me, the less you
hassle them the better, for example I never handle http sessions with
a DBMS because they are very volatile, temporary and user specific. An
also, the hardware DBMSs sit on mechanically and magnetically wears
off with usage
On 9/26/11, John R Pierce <pie...@hogranch.com> wrote:
> its the old hammer and nail thing [1].  a pure Java programmer wants to
> see everything in Java as its the tool he knows.
 Well, not exactly. I am not religious about code. The most
sophisticated code I have written in my life was in FORTRAN, but the
most amount of code I have written has been ANSI C and C++ and later
java, which I like because its hot spot technology enables it do run
time optimizations (something you can't do with statically compiled
code) which makes it faster than C on web servers
 question: which kinds of code analysis tools do you use guys?

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