Hi there,
On 2010-07-15 07:06, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:
well - there was direct database support in nagios ages ago(nagios 1.x
is ancient) and replaced with a plugin based approach based on their
eventbroker architecture called NDOutils. Based on tracking internal
state it can be used to export current and historical monitoring data
from nagios for later postprocessing (or for usin a GUI or whatever).
NODutils however has no real working support for PostgreSQL, IDOutils
(which I mentioned elsewhere in the thread) from the icinga fork does
have basic support.
The SQL queries used in NDOUtils are highly MySQL specific, mostly the
ON DUPLICATE KEY functionality based on unique constraints is a bunch of
work to be resolved. Next to that, the "normal" insert statements are
not normalized (insert into ... set foo=bar instead of insert into ...
() values ()), some missing time conversion procedures and naturally the
last insert id on MySQL, which needs an adaption on sequences in
Postgresql and Oracle.
Which means, just by changing the .sql files and the column attributes,
this won't work. Not even the connection will happen since there is no C
source code for that available via #ifdef.
Some of those mentioned things have been resolved in Icinga IDOUtils,
but not all since I had to focus on 1/ make IDOUtils more stable, less
blocking and 2/ provide initial improved Oracle support. THe Postgresql
support is quite basic, but based on libdbi it still works. In regard of
bigger monitoring environments it will lack of performance for sure.
Main reason is that the current query implementation first tries and
update, and then inserts - which basically forms the on duplicate key
insert or update from MySQL, but it's not really good causing two
queries instead of one procedure in the worst situation. An UPSERT or
MERGE procedure should replace that - sth like this:
(a far more better approach would be a common rewrite with a better db
schema but that's future sound for existing database setups).
If you are planning to use NDOUtils as basis for re-implementation for
Postgresql, please be advised that the current 1.4b9 consists of some
major bugs, next to mentioned performance issues with concurrent data
inserts and housekeeping during startup and running. IDOUtils provides
an extended housekeeping thread not to interfere with the insertions.
Some blogposts on Icinga's improvements, especially on IDOUtils:
Our plans are to improve Postgresql support of Icinga IDOUtils within
the next months mainly regarding the upsert procedure, but also by
dropping the current db abstraction layer (libdbi) in order to use
direct prepared statements and binded params (which is not possible with
This will be done right after some bigger core changes are finished,
imho not in 1.0.3 but 1.0.4 in October would be possible.
Postgresql is next to MySQL and Oracle part of RDBMS section of the
unified Icinga API (written in PHP), and provides the current Icinga
Core data source for the newly developed Icinga Web.
For more information:
That's the thing in Icinga's perspective - it's still a fork of Nagios,
but as you can see a lot of things happened lately. If Icinga can be of
help for you getting better Postgresql support with Icinga IDOUtils,
please get in touch. We'd love to work together on a satisfying solution
for you and the community :)
Kind regards,
(Icinga Core & IDOUtils Developer)
DI (FH) Michael Friedrich
Tel: +43 1 4277 14359
Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, Austria
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