On 07/13/2010 10:44 PM, Thom Brown wrote:
On 13 July 2010 21:25, Magnus Hagander<mag...@hagander.net> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 20:10, Thom Brown<thombr...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 13 July 2010 17:14, Duncavage, Daniel P. (JSC-OD211)
<daniel.p.duncav...@nasa.gov> wrote:
We are implementing Nagios on Space Station and want to use PostgreSQL to
store the data on orbit and then replicate that db on the ground. The
problem is, most people use MySQL with Nagios. We need an addon to ingest
Nagios data into PostgreSQL. It looks like the most reasonable
implementation is to update the NDOUtils addon to support PostgreSQL. Does
anyone have such an addon, or want to write one?
I'm the NASA project manager for the set of computers on Space Station and
we plan to deploy this capability this year. If have to write our own
addon, we will, but I'd rather use something already out there.
This looks like it hasn't been worked on in a while, but is this any
use?: http://nagiosplugins.projects.postgresql.org/
Those are plugins to monitor postgresql using nagios. For that, you
should realy be looking at check_postgres. I think what the OP is
looking for is a way to store Nagios metadata in postgres, which is
something else.
Ah yes, I see. The documentation suggests PostgreSQL is supported in
version 1.0 under the "Database Support" section:
Is that no longer the case then? They actually *removed* support? :(
well - there was direct database support in nagios ages ago(nagios 1.x
is ancient) and replaced with a plugin based approach based on their
eventbroker architecture called NDOutils. Based on tracking internal
state it can be used to export current and historical monitoring data
from nagios for later postprocessing (or for usin a GUI or whatever).
NODutils however has no real working support for PostgreSQL, IDOutils
(which I mentioned elsewhere in the thread) from the icinga fork does
have basic support.
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