On 13 July 2010 17:14, Duncavage, Daniel P. (JSC-OD211)
<daniel.p.duncav...@nasa.gov> wrote:
> We are implementing Nagios on Space Station and want to use PostgreSQL to
> store the data on orbit and then replicate that db on the ground.  The
> problem is, most people use MySQL with Nagios.  We need an addon to ingest
> Nagios data into PostgreSQL.  It looks like the most reasonable
> implementation is to update the NDOUtils addon to support PostgreSQL.  Does
> anyone have such an addon, or want to write one?
> I'm the NASA project manager for the set of computers on Space Station and
> we plan to deploy this capability this year.  If have to write our own
> addon, we will, but I'd rather use something already out there.

This looks like it hasn't been worked on in a while, but is this any
use?: http://nagiosplugins.projects.postgresql.org/


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