> But remember, that mysql doesn't have rules, triggers and such.

 That's exactly  what I mean  when I  suggest re-designing the  schema from
scratch. Otherwise, you only get `a half of it.'

> I guess I could write a tool to select from mysql
> and insert into psql...

 This can be easy,  up to piping, as already offered.  But you're doomed to
improve the schema, and now it seems to be the best time to.


 Well I tried to be meek
  And I have tried to be mild
 But I spat like a woman
  And I sulked like a child
 I have lived behind the walls
  That have made me alone
 Striven for peace
  Which I never have known

 Dire Straits, Brothers In Arms, The Man's Too Strong (Knopfler)

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