The database I am hoping to migrate has a few tables with around 50K
records. These databases get updated every hour, 24/7. I don't think I can
do the migration with a text editor. So, I'm still looking for some other
method if it exists.
Conversion tools? Na, that's just a small part of what I do. I write
network management tools which populate a database. I'm needing to get away
from mysql because it isn't proving to be stable at large scale. Psql has
managed quite well in one of my other duties where the databases required
several MILLION records...
Any ideas for migration will be most appreciated.
Mike Diehl,
Network Monitoring Tool Devl.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michelle Murrain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: October 19, 2000 3:15 PM
> To: Diehl, Jeffrey; David Reid
> Subject: RE: [GENERAL] MySQL -> pgsql
> At 2:43 PM -0600 10/19/00, Diehl, Jeffrey wrote:
> >I don't think this will work in all cases. The index syntax
> is different
> >between mysql and psql. For example, I specify indexing in
> the create
> >clause under mysql; I use a separate statement to create an
> index under
> >psql. Am I missing something?
> Yeah, sorry I was oversimplifying the process. I had to go in and use
> a text editor and change some of the data type definitions. mSQL is
> such a simple DBMS, though, so the tables were really easy.
> On the burner for development - conversion tools?
> Michelle
> --
> --------------------------------
> Michelle Murrain Ph.D., President
> Norwottuck Technology Resources