But remember, that mysql doesn't have rules, triggers and such.  Moving the
data is all I need to do.  I guess I could write a tool to select from mysql
and insert into psql...  I was hoping someone else had already done it. ;^)

Mike Diehl,
Network Monitoring Tool Devl.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: KuroiNeko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: October 19, 2000 3:38 PM
> Subject: RE: [GENERAL] MySQL -> pgsql
> > Conversion tools? Na, that's just a small part of what I do.
>  Since  it's  a  network  monitor,  chances are  you're  not  
> using  exotic
> datatypes incompatible,  or non-existant in  PGSQL? If so, 
> the  fastest way
> would be to get a `dump' schema + data script from MySQL and 
> adjust it with
> sed or PERL where it's required.
>  On the other hand, just porting the  tables is probably not 
> what you want.
> This  will remain  MySQL, only  executed  by PGSQL:  no DRI,  
> no rules,  no
> triggers, nothing. Probably  it's worth designing the  schema 
> from scratch,
> using natural features of PGSQL and work out migration 
> procedures then?
>  Not knowing exactly what data you operate it's hard to tell more.
> --
>  Well I tried to be meek
>   And I have tried to be mild
>  But I spat like a woman
>   And I sulked like a child
>  I have lived behind the walls
>   That have made me alone
>  Striven for peace
>   Which I never have known
>  Dire Straits, Brothers In Arms, The Man's Too Strong (Knopfler)

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