On 2009-06-24, Philippe Amelant <pamel...@companeo.com> wrote:
> Le mercredi 24 juin 2009 à 12:45 +0000, Jasen Betts a écrit :
>> On 2009-06-24, Philippe Amelant <pamel...@companeo.com> wrote:
>> > Ok but if I work with hours or whatever the problem is still there
>> >
>> > SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP  '2009-06-23 18:36:05.064066+02') -
>> > EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP '"2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066+02"'))/3600,
>> > EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM interval '1008 hours')/3600, age('2009-06-23
>> > 18:36:05.064066+02' ,'"2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066+02"') > interval '1007
>> > hours';
>> >
>> > The third test should be true and not false 
>> The third test is comparing a double with an interval.
>> compare like with like.
>>  SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP  '2009-06-23 18:36:05.064066+02') -
>>  EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP '"2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066+02"'))/3600,
>>  EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM interval '1008 hours')/3600, age('2009-06-23
>>  18:36:05.064066+02' ,'"2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066+02"')
>>  > EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM interval '1007 hours');
>>From de doc : age(timestamp, timestamp) return an interval so if I
> wrote 
> select age('2009-06-23 18:36:05.064066+02' ,'"2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066
> +02"') > interval '1000 hours';
> I think I compare an interval with an interval. 

that does but they are different units. one in months and days and the other in 

if you want to count days subtract dates,

> the result should be true because there is 1008 hours between the 2
> dates

but there is not reliably 1008 hours in "1 mon 11 days"

if the context of the interval is important apply it,

select timestamptz '2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066+02'
  ,timestamptz '"2009-06-23 18:36:05.064066+02"'
  ,interval '1007 hours'
  ,timestamptz '2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066+02' + interval '1007 hours'
  ,timestamptz '2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066+02' + interval '1007 hours'
   < timestamptz '"2009-06-23 18:36:05.064066+02"';
> But I need to substract more than 24 hours to get a 'true'
> select age('2009-06-23 18:36:05.064066+02' ,'"2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066
> +02"') > interval '983 hours';

age() works but is not well suited to that use:

select timestamptz '"2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066 +02"' +  age('2009-06-23 
18:36:05.064066+02' ,'"2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066 +02"');

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