I like to use RAISE NOTICE statements to make sure my functions are working correctly. I just wrote a trigger function that has the following code:
-- We have a new tender. Find out who it is. select into userRecord * from users where users_key = new.tender_key; if not found then raise exception 'Could not store furnace tender information; no user has a key of %', new.tender_key; else raise notice 'User name is % %', userRecord.name, chr(10); end if; -- Now we can store the information. insert into furnace_tender_history (area, tender_name, tender_checknum, signin_time, signin_time_utc) values (new.area, userRecord.name, userRecord.check_number, current_timestamp, current_timestamp at time zone 'utc'); raise notice 'History record should be added%', chr(10)::text; return new; I am trying to insert a carriage return character (chr(10)) in the user name notice so that any subsequent notices will appear on separate lines. However, when I use a query to update a field that will fire this trigger, the Messages tab contains this: NOTICE: User name is capsNOTICE: History record should be added Query returned successfully: 1 rows affected, 16 ms execution time. How can I get the notices to appear on separate lines? Thanks very much! RobR