Ok but if I work with hours or whatever the problem is still there

SELECT (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP  '2009-06-23 18:36:05.064066+02') -
EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP '"2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066+02"'))/3600,
EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM interval '1008 hours')/3600, age('2009-06-23
18:36:05.064066+02' ,'"2009-05-12 18:36:05.064066+02"') > interval '1007

The third test should be true and not false 

Le mardi 23 juin 2009 à 13:43 -0400, Tom Lane a écrit :
> "Philippe Amelant" <pamel...@companeo.com> writes:
> > Can I workaround this ?
> Don't assume that "1 month" means a constant number of seconds.
>                       regards, tom lane

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