
Gerry Reno <gr...@verizon.net> writes:
>> You can also get support for Londiste (which
>> is used in production by Skype... I think that speaks for itself). 
> Londiste is beta.  The fact that Skype uses it is because it's part of
> Skytools which is their product.  They may want to run their own beta stuff.
> I don't.

Yes, Londiste is beta, indeed. What it means is that the current stable
branch, skytools_2_1_stable, is not feature complete. It's production
ready and only receives bugfixes, and has been for several months.

I happen to run it on several production systems on quite different
contexts, and in some of them I could not use a synchronous replication
system, as it must tolerate network glitches: the service still has some
incoming queries when TCP/IP is down. The 30 subscribers are all keeping
up nicely, and they all are also provider to the central server which
federates the data.

The missing features of londiste 2.1 are being stabilized in next
skytools version, 3.0, of which an alpha release has been made, so that
you can easily check what it's worth.

Summary: yes londiste is beta, but that means it won't handle automatic
DDL scripting, cascading replication and automated failover. It's
stable, reliable, production quality code. I know it because I'm on call
every other week and in 2009 I'm yet to receive a Skytools related
alarm. I really hate it when people call me at nigth, that's one of the
reasons I use PostgreSQL and Skytools :)


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