On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Gerry Reno<gr...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>> On Mon, 2009-06-22 at 18:35 -0400, Gerry Reno wrote:
>>> Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>>> It is true.  Otherwise show me a viable replication offering for
>>> postgresql that I can put into production and obtain support for it.
>> Well, you can get support for Slony (known to to be a bit complicated
>> but stable and flexible).
> I've already tried Slony last year and unless something major has changed it
> is not viable.  I cannot have replication that just stops for no known
> reason.

I've been running slony since 1.0 came out, and have NEVER had it just
stop replication for no known reason.  ever.  Your inability to use it
tells me much less about slony than it does about you.

>> You can also get support for Londiste (which
>> is used in production by Skype... I think that speaks for itself).
> Londiste is beta.  The fact that Skype uses it is because it's part of
> Skytools which is their product.  They may want to run their own beta stuff.
>  I don't.

So, if they said it was general release, but it sucked, you'd try it,
but since they say it's beta, no way?  Wow.  Just wow.  The amount of
dumb in that sentence is not measurable with modern instrumentation.

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