2009/6/23 Devrim GÜNDÜZ <dev...@gunduz.org>:
> On Mon, 2009-06-22 at 18:28 -0400, Gerry Reno wrote:
>> The only one that is remotely viable is slony and it is so quirky you
>> may as well forget it.
> Like what? I agree that Slony-I is not a plug-in-play replication
> solution, but I don't agree that it is so quirky.
>> The rest are in some stage of decay/abandonment. There is no real
>> replication available for postgresql.
> There are:
> http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Replication%2C_Clustering%2C_and_Connection_Pooling
> IIRC only Slony-II and PGCluster-II is abandoned. PGCluster-I is not
> up2date, but the others are being worked on.

People interested in so called 'plug and play' replication will
probably want to use 'hot standby' if/when it becomes available.
Unfortunately it did not make the cut for 8.4, but was very usable
during the cycle.  Hot standby gives you n read only copies of the
master database with very little fuss and no setup...it works off the
WAL system which is already giving us point in time backups (which are
already arguably better than anything mysql has, btw).

I expect hot standby will be introduced with postgresql 8.5, in both
sychronous and asychronous variants.  This will nicely round out
postgresql's replication options.  If you are
adventurous/enterprising, you could dig up the hot standby patch, get
it in line with the soon to be released 8.4, and play with it...it
works very well.


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