Tom Lane wrote:
"Joshua D. Drake" <> writes:
On Tue, 2009-04-14 at 09:58 -0700, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
The plan calls for a pg_dump using my workstation using CREATE the database and INSERTS (-C -D) . Then use psql to run the script created above to build the database on the new system.

You want to install the new version of PostgreSQL and use the version of
pg_dump that comes with that machine.

Right. I left that out. I have a more recent copy of Pg (or maybe just the utilities) on my workstation -- actually 8.3.4. Pretty recent.

Check.  In theory the other way should work, but usually the newer
version of pg_dump is a better bet (particularly for such an old version
--- seven more years of bug fixes, eh?)

Secondly there is no reasons to do -D (which is actually -d btw). Just
do a stock pg_dumpall.

Well there are other databases in the cluster for other applications that I will not be moving so I'm doing those databases I need one at a time.

It might actually be a good idea to use --column-inserts for this.
I don't recall all the details right at the moment, but ISTR there were
some funnies with respect to corner-case COPY data syntax back in the
dim past, and it might be that that includes 7.2.  This was a
server-side issue and so just using a newer pg_dump wouldn't fix it.

Right.  Therefore the "-D".

In any case it'd be a really good idea to see if you can manage a dry
run before doing it live.  You can expect some application compatibility
issues across such a large version jump, even after you get past any
difficulties in moving the data.  So it'd be smart to do an import into
a test server and see how your apps work against it before you do it
for real.

Oh yeah!  That is the plan.


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