On Tue, 2009-04-14 at 09:58 -0700, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> I can't avoid it any longer and have to move an old RT2 installation to 
> a new machine.  (I'll upgrade to RT3 on that machine.)
> The plan calls for a pg_dump using my workstation using CREATE the 
> database and INSERTS (-C -D) .  Then use psql to run the script created 
> above to build the database on the new system.
> I have the time to fiddle about but would appreciate any suggestions to 
> make it run smooth(er).

O.k. :) Don't do it that way.

You want to install the new version of PostgreSQL and use the version of
pg_dump that comes with that machine. 

Secondly there is no reasons to do -D (which is actually -d btw). Just
do a stock pg_dumpall.

Lastly on the new machine you will likely need to create your cluster
with --no-locale otherwise I can pretty much guarantee the restore won't
work from that far back. Alternatively you can try to cleanse the data
with something like iconv.

Joshua D. Drake

> \\||/
> Rod
> -- 
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