Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
I can't avoid it any longer and have to move an old RT2 installation to a new machine. (I'll upgrade to RT3 on that machine.)

The plan calls for a pg_dump using my workstation using CREATE the database and INSERTS (-C -D) . Then use psql to run the script created above to build the database on the new system.

I have the time to fiddle about but would appreciate any suggestions to make it run smooth(er).

make sure pg_hba.conf on the old machine allows you to connect from the new machine's IP address as the user postgres (this may require setting a database password for the postgres user on the old machine if the 'host' authentication method so specifies), then from the new machine, after doing an initdb and starting the new version of postgres, and while logged on as the unix postgres user...

   pg_dumpall -h oldmachine -U postgres | psql

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