Craig Ringer wrote:
Justin wrote:
[Since] PostgreSql is not multi-threaded but a single thread
application which spawns little exe's how is hyper threading
helping Postgresql at all ??
Multiple threads and multiple processes are two ways to tackle a
similar problem - that of how to do more than one thing on the CPU(s)
at once.
Applications that use multiple cooperating processes benefit from more
CPUs, CPU cores, and CPU hardware execution threads (HT) just like
applications that use multiple threads do, so long as there is enough
work to keep multiple CPU cores busy.
There's really not *that* much difference between a multi-threaded
executable and an executable with multiple processes cooperating using
shared memory (like PostgreSQL). Nor is there much difference in how
they use multiple logical CPUs.
The main difference between the two models is that multiple processes
with shared memory don't share address space except where they have
specifically mapped it. This means that it's relatively hard for one
process to mangle other processes' state, especially if it's properly
careful with its shared memory. By contrast, it's depressingly easy
for one thread to corrupt the shared heap or even to corrupt other
threads' stacks in a multi-threaded executable.
On Windows, threads are usually preferred because Windows has such a
horrible per-process overhead, but it's very good at creating threads
quickly and cheaply. On UNIX, which has historically been bad at
threading and very good at creating and destroying processes, the use
of multiple processes is preferred.
It's also worth noting that you can combine multi-process and
multi-threaded operation. For example, if PostgreSQL was ever to
support evaluating a single query on multiple CPU cores one way it
could do that would be to spawn multiple threads within a single
backend. (Note: I know it's not even remotely close to that easy -
I've been doing way too much threaded coding lately).
So ... honestly, whether PostgreSQL is multi-threaded or multi-process
just doesn't matter. Even if it was muti-threaded instead of
multi-process, so long as it can only execute each query on a maximum
of one core then single queries will not benefit (much) from having
multiple CPU cores, multiple physical CPUs, or CPUs with
hyperthreading. However, multiple CPU bound queries running in
parallel will benefit massively from extra cores or physical CPUs, and
might also benefit from hyperthreading.
To perfectly honest my programming skills with milti-threading apps
is non-existent along with Linux world but in the Windows world
single threaded apps saw no measurable performance boost
Of course. They cannot use the extra logical core for anything, so
it's just overhead. You will find, though, that hyperthreading may
improve system responsiveness under load even when using only single
threaded apps, because two different single threaded apps can run
(kind of) at the same time.
Isn't that the rub point in HT processor. A process running in HT
virtual processor can lock up a specific chunk of the real processor up
that would not normally be locked. So the process running in the Real
processor gets blocked and put to sleep till the process running in HT
is cleared out. Now the problem is on windows to my understanding is
the kernel scheduler did not understand that HT was a virtual process
so it screwed up scheduling orders and what not. This added allot of
overhead to the processor to sort what was going on sending sleep
commands to keep the processor from rolling over and dieing.
As time has progress the kernel schedulers i imagine have improved to
better understand that this virtual processor locks parts of the real
processor up so it needs to schedule things a little better so it don't
keep dumping things into the HT processor that it will need a second
latter for another process it queried for the real processor.
It's pretty useless compared to real multiple cores, though.
and allot of multi-threaded apps also got there performance smashed?
That will depend a lot on details of CPU cache use, exactly what they
were doing on their various threads, how their thread priorities were
set up, etc. Some apps benefit, some lose.
I understand these things in theory I just never had to do any of the
programming. Life has taught me theory/book differs allot from real
Craig Ringer
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