On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Justin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sense PostgreSql  is not a multi-threaded but a single thread application
> which spawns  little exe's  how is hyper threading helping Postgresql at all
> ??

Two ways:

* The stats collector / autovacuum / bgwriter can operate on one CPU
while you the user are using another (whether they're physically
separate cores on different sockets, dual or quad cores on the same
socket, or the sorta another CPU provided by hyperthreading P4s.
* You can use > 1 connection, and each new connection spawns another process.

Note that this actually makes postgresql scale to a large number of
CPUs better than many multi-threaded apps, which can have a hard time
using > 1 CPU at a time without a lot of extra help.

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