Tom Lane wrote:
Justin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
From every thing i have read about Hyper Threading, it should be just
turned off.

Depends entirely on what you're doing.  I usually leave it turned on
because compiling Postgres from source is measurably faster with it
than without it on my dual-Xeon box.  I'd recommend experimenting
with your own workload before making any decisions.

                        regards, tom lane
Sense PostgreSql is not a multi-threaded but a single thread application which spawns little exe's how is hyper threading helping Postgresql at all ??

To perfectly honest my programming skills with milti-threading apps is non-existent along with Linux world but in the Windows world single threaded apps saw no measurable performance boost but the opposite it kill the apps performance and allot of multi-threaded apps also got there performance smashed? And if you really kill performance turn on HT running W2K?

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