Stefan Sturm wrote:
Hello Craig and Magnus,

thanks for your Help. I downloaded MSVCR80.DLL, but still the same problems:

When I simply start init_db from within the bin folder I get the Message, that he can't find libintl3.dll. The errormessage shows the PATH, and this path contains the bin Folder...
Have you used Dependency Walker (depends.exe) to examine initdb and see what DLLs it's being linked to? You can get Dependency Walker from (it's free). Use the "show full paths" option in the view menu to see the full DLL locations.

Have you tried explicitly setting your PATH environment variable to include the postgresql bin directory?

By the way, on mailing list discussions it's generally considered polite to respond below the other person's email, chopping off the bits that are not relevant. You should also respond to individual parts of the email (like separate questions) where that makes more sense.

Craig Ringer

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