Hello Craig and Magnus,

thanks for your Help. I downloaded MSVCR80.DLL, but still the same problems:

When I simply start init_db from within the bin folder I get the Message, that he can't find libintl3.dll. The errormessage shows the PATH, and this path contains the bin Folder...

When I copy libintl3.dll and libiconv2.dll to the system32 folder, I get the Error, that the applcattion could not get initilaized.

Seams to be an odd problem.

Thanks for your Help,
Stefan Sturm

Am 25.03.2008 um 12:17 schrieb Craig Ringer:

Stefan Sturm wrote:

If you can do that, you obviously have admin rights, so why not just use the MSI installer?

When I try to run the Intaller, I get this Message: "The Systemadminitrator guidelines issued in order to prevent this installation".
Have you upgraded the Windows Installer engine?

Do you have domain or local group policy in place that might be blocking msi installations?

Have you examined your event log for more information?

Have you gone digging with filemon to see what's *really* going on?
That said, this often happens if you have an incorrect version of the MSVC runtime on your system. See the README file in the download directory.

I can't istall the runtime, because I can't run the MSI installer. The same problem :-(

The MSVC runtime linked to by the README:


is supported for installation on win2k. It'll require admin access to install, though. Since that's no good for you, you might be able to bundle the required vc2008 runtime DLL(s) in the postgresql executable directory. I've done this for my own apps without problems, but it's possible that if Pg is specifically compiled to use WinSxS it might not work.

Using Dependency Walker (depends.exe) I can see that my standard (MSI install) 8.3 binaries want MSVCR80.DLL . They're finding it in my WinSxS directory on my Vista box. It's not at all difficult to either pull MSVCR80.DLL from a machine that already has the file or download it off the 'net. If you put it in the pg bin directory it *should* work, though I don't know enough about the details of Windows DLL registration etc to be sure that's safe.

In other words: Try dropping a copy of MSVCR80.DLL into the bin directory of the non-MSI postgresql zip file and see how you go.

Craig Ringer

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