Stefan Sturm wrote:

If you can do that, you obviously have admin rights, so why not just use the MSI installer?

When I try to run the Intaller, I get this Message: "The Systemadminitrator guidelines issued in order to prevent this installation".

Oh. So it's not actually admin rights, it's a group policy restriction.

That said, this often happens if you have an incorrect version of the MSVC runtime on your system. See the README file in the download directory.

I can't istall the runtime, because I can't run the MSI installer. The same problem :-(

So, I thnk, there is no chance to install prostgres here :-(

Sure you can, it's just harder to do when your domain admins are trying to prevent you from doing it ;)

You could try installing the MSI of the runtime on a different machine, then manually copy the files over to the one you need to run it on. It's not really convenient, but you *are* trying to do something your admins don't want you to do after all ;-)


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