Stephen Davies wrote:
I just spotted the difference between your test and mine.
My query says:
select ts_headline(abstract,to_tsquery('english','database'),'minWords = 99,
maxWords = 999') from document where id=21;
where your equivalent does not include the 'english' arg.
If I take out the 'english' from this query, I get the same result as you.
What does this give you:
show default_text_search_config;
I get pg_catalog.english and the same result for the query whether I use:
or to_tsquery('pg_catalog.english','database')
Could you be picking up a bad "english" configuration (see \dF)?
However, the following returns zero rows:
select title,author,ts_headline(abstract,to_tsquery('database') from document
where clob @@ to_tsquery('database')
I take it "clob" matches "abstract"?
It gets more interesting:
select title,author,ts_headline(abstract,to_tsquery('database') from document
where clob @@ to_tsquery('english','database')
returns the "correct" result - one row with the expected headline.
Now that *is* strange. ts_headline() works without specifying 'english'
but the actual search works the other way.
select title,author,ts_headline(abstract,to_tsquery('english','thesaurus')
from document where clob @@ to_tsquery('english','thesaurus')
also returns the "correct" result.
I suggest that the above indicates a bug somewhere.
Could be - it'd be good to rule out a bad config. You might have an
unexpected list of stopwords or similar.
Let's try:
SELECT ts_debug('the database and thesaurus');
SELECT ts_debug('english', 'the database and thesaurus');
SELECT ts_debug('pg_catalog.english', 'the database and thesaurus');
I'd expect "the", "and" to be stripped out as stopwords and the other
two to get through (database stemmed to "databas").
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd
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