Interesting. I hadn't seen that section before.

As I said in my original post: "Is this a bug or am I missing some 
configuration option".

I shall investigate the stuff in 12.8.
Any suggestions as to where to start?

Stephen Davies

 On Thursday 21 February 2008 20:50, Richard Huxton wrote:
> Stephen Davies wrote:
> > Attached is the "document" in question.
> >
> > Searches for "norwegian", "thesaurus" and "statement" give good results.
> > A search for "database" gives the plain text from the beginning.
> Seems OK here - might need to look at your configuration settings.
> I'll make sure I've got a clean setup here and re-run the test.
> SELECT ts_headline(t, to_tsquery('database')) FROM tsearch_test;
>                                                ts_headline
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>---------------------------- <b>database</b> (using a 2 KB page) to a Large
> File Support (LFS) <b>database</b> (using an 8 KB page
> (1 row)

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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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