G'day Richard.

I don't think so. A sample command is:

ts_headline(abstract,to_tsquery('english','database'),'minWords = 99, maxWords 
= 999')

I have also tried with smaller maxwords without any visible effect.


On Thursday 21 February 2008 19:19, Richard Huxton wrote:
> Stephen Davies wrote:
> > I am a bit puzzled by the output of ts_headline (V8.3) for different
> > queries.
> >
> > It seems that the difference is in the number of occurrences of the
> > criterion words. If the number of hits is less than some number, the
> > ts_headline result is "correct" but if the number of hits exceeds that
> > limit, the result is just the first MinWords of the "document".
> >
> > I have seen cases with up to 20 hits succeed but cases with 35 hits miss.
> > The spread of hits does not seem to be relevant.
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/textsearch-controls.html#TEXTSEAR
> Are you bumping into the MaxWords limit? If you've got 35 hits that must
> be at least 35 words.

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