Laurent Duperval wrote:
Does this allow creating more connections? At some point, the discussion
became too technical for me, and I no longer could tell if the answer was
for developers of for users.

Yeah, it did become something of an investigation into the problem which probably should have been moved to -hackers.

I summarised the info in the FAQ for user consumption, and included a link to the MS Knowledgebase article that shows what to tweak in the registry.

I saw other messages dealing with semaphores/connection relations, etc.
But unless I really did not understand the discussion, none of them seemed
to address the issue I was seeing.

Yes, that was all about how we were using threads to manage interprocess communications. We found a far more efficient way to do that, but my guess is that thats not your problem.

I'm thinking that the Java driver combined with Hibernate may be keeping
handles open for too long, because my tests aren't supposed to maintain
connections open for very long. I also would expect the connections to
either be closed or released once the statements are executed.

That could be an issue with Hibernate or the other code you're running, but yes, if it's opening lots of connections and keeping them open that could be what's wrong and I would suggest checking the FAQ above.

Regards, Dave

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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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