Magnus Hagander wrote:
> Rainer Bauer wrote:
>> After increasing the session heap size in the registry from 512KB to 1024KB
>> the no. of connections was roughly doubled. So this might be a solution for
>> people running out of Desktop heap.
>> Alter the value of the following key
>> <HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems\Windows>
>> The numeric values following "SharedSection=" control the heap management:
>> On WinXP these are the default values: "SharedSection=1024,3072,512"
>> Altering this to "SharedSection=1024,3072,1024" will increase the heap for 
>> all
>> non-interactive window stations to 1024KB.
> This part should go in the FAQ, I think. It's valid for 8.2 as well,
> from what I can tell, and it's valid for 8.3 both before and after the
> patch I just applied.
> Dave, you're listed as maintainer :-P



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