Trevor Talbot wrote:
> The question is where that's coming from.  I wondered if it was
> desktop heap originally, but there's no reason it should be using it,
> and that seems to be precisely the difference between my system and
> the others.  Connections here are barely making a dent; at 490 there's
> an entire 45KB committed in the service desktop.

Hmm, Greg mentioned to me earlier that he was suspicious of SSPI which
seems to drag in dependencies on gdi32.dll and user32.dll via
secur32.dll. Sure enough, testing with 8.2.5 on XP Pro, I get to 150
connections running as a service having used 97.2 of desktop heap (vs.
45 connections max with 8.3).

So we have a pretty serious regression in 8.3.

Of course, that still doesn't tally up with what you're seeing on
Win2k3. I'll test on there tomorrow.

Regards, Dave

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