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On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 11:00:36 -0500
Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Something like that could work well for modules that are moderately
> independent of the core database version.  I'm afraid that won't be
> true for the plpgsql debugger, unfortunately --- it needs to know all
> about plpgsql's internal data structures, and thus for example will
> need an update every time we invent a new plpgsql statement or
> feature.'

They don't have to do this. They could simply state that 1.0 is for
8.1, 2.0 is for 8.2, 3.0 is for 8.3.

We don't back patch features, why should they?

Don't get me wrong the debugger is certainly useful but I see no
technical argument (and I am sure you will correct me if I am wrong :))
that deems it needs to be in core.

Joshua D. Drake

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