Andrew Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 02:03:50PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> At some point it might get integrated, but right now it seems to need
>> its own release schedule.  We put the core hooks in for 8.2 but the
>> thing didn't actually get published for many months after that.

> What I'd prefer, in any case, is what (Dunstan? I think?) proposed, which is
> something like CPAN for PostgreSQL packages.  Things that _have_ to be in
> the core -- hooks and such like -- would be shipped with the basic code, but
> everything else could be pulled from pgfoundry.

Something like that could work well for modules that are moderately
independent of the core database version.  I'm afraid that won't be true
for the plpgsql debugger, unfortunately --- it needs to know all about
plpgsql's internal data structures, and thus for example will need an
update every time we invent a new plpgsql statement or feature.  I think
ease of maintenance will dictate pulling it into the core "blob", once
it's settled enough for that to be a reasonable thing to do.  Otherwise
the debugger will soon become a maze of twisty little #ifdefs as it
tries to support multiple PG releases.

                        regards, tom lane

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