On Thu, Nov 15, 2007 at 10:41:23AM -0600, Tony Caduto wrote:
> So if you are using Oracle do you have to go through the hassle of 
> finding it, then compiling and installing it?

This canard comes up every time we discuss keeping the codebase lean, and I
say the same thing every time: Oracle (and DB2, and MySQL, and SQL Server,
and everyone else) _do so_ have all these add ons.  They just package it in
one thing sometimes, and you think it's "one system".  It is one system. 
It's not one program.

This is what packagers are for.

Nobody seems to think it strange that you have to get libc from a
completely other group of programmers than you get the Linux kernel, for
instance.  This is because working systems are not built by people
downloading the source code and building their systems by hand from itty
bitty parts on the ground (any more than you buy your car from GM, Magna
International, and Dow Corning).  

Small modules are _good_.  They isolate problems.

(None of this is an argument against Tom's point that deep-in-there hooks at
least have to be shipped with the core stuff.  The same is true for
replication, for instance.)


Andrew Sullivan
Old sigs will return after re-constitution of blue smoke

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