On 3/21/20 11:08 AM, pabloa98 wrote:
> As to below that is going to require more thought.
Still no word on the actual requirement. As someone who believes
consecutive numbers on digital invoices is simply a mistaken
interpretation of the paper based system, I suspect a similar error
here. But again we haven’t really heard, far as I know. Something
really fishy about 99999999.
It is fishy. This is the thing. The code, element, and group is part of
a bigger code called item identifier (or ii).
An item identifier is a result of: code || group || element ||
qualifier (a constant like 55) || check digit coming from some check
For example:
for a triplet (group, element, code) like (1, 3, 63) the item identifier
(or ii) is: 630010003558 (the last 8 is the check digit).
This number is converted to a bigint and stored (and used as PK or FK on
other tables, etc, etc).
In an item identifier the room is assigned like:
Revised, to make it match above identifier:
> 8 digits for code (not padded with 0s)
3 digits for group
4 digits for element
2 digits for qualifier
1 digit for the check digit.
18 digits for item identifier.
So the question may actually be:
How do we improve our locking code, so we don't have to spawn millions
of sequences?
What is the locking method you are using?
The lock part is because we solved a similar problem with a counter by
row locking the counter and increasing it in another part of the
database. The result is that all the queries using that table are queued
by pair (group, element) that is not that bad because we are not
inserting thousands of rows by second. Still is killing cluster
performance (but performance is still OK from the business point of
view). The problem using locks is that they are too sensitive to
developer errors and bugs. Sometimes connected clients aborts and the
connection is returned to the pool with the lock active until the
connection is closed or someone unlocks the row. I would prefer to have
something more resilient to developers/programming errors, if possible.
Adrian Klaver