> I dug in the archives and came across a crude POC hack here:
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/21693.1478376...@sss.pgh.pa.us
> At the time I didn't want to pursue it further because of Andres'
> pending work on redoing expression execution, but that's landed now.
>                         regards, tom lane

For that matter, it's not totally
> clear what would constitute an improvement --- what do you wish it would
> show you, exactly?

It looks like that patch is about showing which value or where in the
statement the error is being caused.  At least for my case, it would be
helpful to know which field is causing the error.  And just guessing, but
maybe simpler?  I'd be happy to see:

The error text was: ERROR *for field [field_name]*:  value too long for
type character varying(10)


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