On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 5:30 PM, Ken Tanzer <ken.tan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That doesn't matter much in a simple example like that, but the example
> below is currently making me wish PG was just a little bit more specific.
> Is there much chance of this changing in future releases?
> ​
I'm not holding my breath...and have to come to feel that when I see that
message in my own production environment I am being punished for defining
an inferior database model.  I should have used "text" and if I have length
concerns for storage in tables I should add a check constraint (and
probably be checking for non-visible characters and other stuff too).  I
largely am doing that in my new stuff but my legacy schema is not amenable
to such a change - even though removing the type attribute doesn't cause a
table re-write - in particular because of views.

I seem to recall a discussion a few years back but cannot find it searching
online.  The one post I did find was from 6 years ago and I was the only
respondent and basically said the same or less than I am here.

David J.

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