It's the Azitom Stealth Air 2. I got it a few years ago so it's dropped in
price on Amazon. It's currently selling for £118. It's not Hi-Fi but sounds
pretty good. I use it when I'm exercising in the loft.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Anders
Sent: 05 October 2016 01:37
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: IOS 10 And AirPlay

Whats the name of that one?
That would be something for me if its not extremly expensive?
> 4 okt. 2016 kl. 08:37 skrev John Gurd <>:
> I've got a speaker in my loft called a Stealth Air 2 which has both 
> Airplay and Bluetooth with a rather nifty little remote that lets you
select either.
> I use Bluetooth every time. Less laggy for one thing.
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
> Dane Trethowan
> Sent: 03 October 2016 12:37
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: IOS 10 And AirPlay
> Hmm.. interesting point however take a look around you and count just 
> how many AirPlayed enabled devices there are now compared to a few years
> On 3/10/2016 5:32 PM, John Gurd wrote:
>> Surely Apple wouldn't invent a whole system of Airplaying audio using 
>> a method different from anyone else to thousands of appliances 
>> designed just for it and depended upon by millions of people just to 
>> get rid of it? No, that doesn't sound like Apple! (Grin)
>> John
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
>> Dane Trethowan
>> Sent: 03 October 2016 04:15
>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>> Subject: Re: IOS 10 And AirPlay
>> Still there yes but I'm given to wondering just how long for?
>> On 3/10/2016 1:14 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>>> Well, they don't exactly advertise it, nor is it well labeled. At 
>>> least it
>> is still there.
>>> Mary
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Oct 2, 2016, at 5:40 PM, Dane Trethowan 
>>>> <>
>> wrote:
>>>> Okay thanks for that, I found the iPhone icon in the Control 
>>>> center, it
>> was where you said on page two, would never have known about it had 
>> you not mentioned it.
>>>> **********
>>>> Those with negative attitudes are a problem, those with positive 
>>>> outlooks
>> are the solution.
>>>>> On 3 Oct. 2016, at 7:06 am, Mary Otten <> wrote:
>>>>> You can still get to the audio airplay in control center, although 
>>>>> you
>> might not know it because it's in adequately labeled. If you go to 
>> "page 2, in your control center view, by doing the iOS page change 
>> three finger flick, one of the things you will see in there with 
>> other music controls is the announcement iPhone, assuming you were 
>> using an iPhone. Or it might say iPad, if you're using an iPad. 
>> Double tap on that, and you will see all the choices of whatever 
>> other airplay and able audio devices you have. This is true for the 
>> Amazon music app and the Apple Music app. I assume it's true in 
>> general, although those are the only two I tried. Frankly, I like the 
>> option of having the air play control it within the app. That's how 
>> it used to be before they moved
> it to control center. And I wish they would put it back.
>> Or at least wish they would have the flexibility for app developers 
>> to include that airplay functionality right in the main screen of the 
>> app. That was the most convenient I thought.
>>>>> Mary
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On Oct 2, 2016, at 12:27 PM, Dane Trethowan 
>>>>>> <>
>> wrote:
>>>>>> Has anyone bothered to use IOS 10 with AirPlay?
>>>>>> I'm wondering if you've noticed what I have if you go into the 
>>>>>> control
>> center and activate AirPlay from there.
>>>>>> On my iPhone I only see the option to Mirror to an Apple TV - 
>>>>>> which I
>> don't have at the moment - and I don't see an option to stream audio 
>> to any other compatible device.
>>>>>> The only way I know of to get around this is to go into the Music 
>>>>>> App,
>> launch the mini player view and select an AirPlay device from there, 
>> a little annoying to have to perform that extra step but at least I 
>> can still select my AirPlay device of choice in a roundabout way it 
>> has to be
> said.

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